

The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma

NINETY years ago, when Kirby and Spence pub-lished the first volume of their " Introduction to Entomology," they considered it necessary to devote a whole letter, filling many pages, to refuting popular prejudices against the frivolit...
None  -  《Nature》  -  被引量:  0  -  1905年

Building a Reputation on National Security: The Impact of Stereotypes Related To Gender and Military Experience

In a post-9/11 world, all senators must establish their national security credentials with voters. Yet senators do not compete for leadership on an equa...
M Swers  -  《Legislative Stud...  -  被引量:  33  -  2011年

Trying to lose or maintain weight during pregnancy-United States, 2003.

OBJECTIVES: Current pregnancy weight gain recommendations are for women to gain between 15 and 40 pounds; weight loss or weight maintenance is not recom...
CL BishSY ChuCK Shapiro-Mendoza , ... -  《Maternal & Child...  -  被引量:  32  -  2009年

Making the `white man's' country white: Race, slavery, and state-building in the Jacksonian South.

Examines the white supremacist attitude prevalent in Southern United States. Jacksonian reconsideration of race and racial ideology as related to a mark...
FordJr.Lacy , ... -  《Journal of the E...  -  被引量:  18  -  1999年
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Human Rights Costs of China's Arms Sales to Sudan - A Violation of International Law on Two Fronts, The

As an emerging world power, China has a crucial need for oil to meetits growing fuel consumption. It has invested heavily in Sudan, a country with exten...
SL Kotecki  -  《Washington Inter...  -  被引量:  9  -  2008年
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Blessing or Curse? The Effect of Foreign Military Aid on theDemocratization Process

Should ideological values, such as reinforcing democratic regimes, be a priority in the foreign policy agendas of countries like the U.S., or should the...
KL Joseph  -  被引量:  0  -  2015年

Shaping California's Prisons: How the Alternative Custody Program, Designed to Remedy the State's Eighth Amendment Violations in the...

INTRODUCTION The United States of America has an addiction. The federal, state, and local governments collectively consumed over seventy billion dollars for its satiation in 2008. l Comparatively, just three decades ago, in 1982, it d...
EA Whitehurst  -  《William & Mary B...  -  被引量:  0  -  2012年

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